– Extrusion unit with ISO 9001 version 2008 certification which manufactures our main plastic components.
– Assembly shop.
– Packaging shop.
Our sales force is present in all French departments and our sales organisation allows us to meet the demands of principal retail channels: chain stores, hardware stores, wholesalers, online commerce, etc. Our logistics department and transport partnerships allow us to deliver anything from small parcels for individuals up to 70 m³ containers to warehouses in France, Europe and major export customers. A 5,000 m² storage warehouse guarantees permanent availability of our entire collection.
We have vast experience in sourcing materials and partners that meet the demanding quality standards required to manufacture our products. Cooperatives in Vietnam work exclusively for us and our direct relationships with Chinese factories allow us to guarantee good working conditions and compliance with European standards on product composition.
We guarantee that the components of the items we make in France are compliant with current European legislation. We also carefully inspect items manufactured in Asia, particularly regarding compliance with absence of heavy metals (plastics, paints) and so-called substances "of very high concern" in accordance with the European REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals) regulation.
The professional and humanitarian values that guide our company are more important than any label. The working conditions and long-term future of artisans on the other side of the globe who make some of our items are fundamental to the functioning of MOREL SAS.